Adolescents & Young Adults with Cancer

Addressing the needs of a “lost tribe” – A joint C17 Council and CPAC Program

The objectives of this 4 year project are to:

  • establish a four year project evaluating the cancer care for adolescents and young adults (AYA) with respect to their referral, diagnosis, treatment and psycho-social support.
  • ascertain patterns and transition models of long term follow-up of survivors of pediatric malignancies when they attain adulthood.
  • establish recommendations and guidelines for the care of the above patients in order to improve their overall outcomes and quality of life.

This task force, under the jurisdiction of C17 and CPAC, will have the mandate to produce and advocate the implementation of specific guidelines and recommendations that can be practically implemented across Canada. The objective is to improve the outcomes of AYA patients diagnosed with cancer and to improve the quality of life and diminish morbidity in adult survivors of pediatric malignancies.
